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Station Manager
I was born in Glasgow, Montana, and raised on a farm in Lustre with the blessing of 7 siblings and a large extended family. I attended Lustre Christian High School for four years and during that time became good friends with a
very nice boy from Havre (Bruce Boyum) who was also attending school at LCHS and living in the dorm. We decided to make that friendship a lifelong partnership and have now been married for more than 40 years!
We have two daughters, one son, two sons-in-law, and five grandchildren. Vacations are now scheduled to include stops in Seattle and/or Fairbanks so we can visit our family. Our son, Matthew, works with his dad and is now living in the house he grew up in since we moved closer to town several years ago.
Bruce and I attended several fundraising banquets before KXEI went on the air and were privileged to be part of the team that made Christian radio in Havre, Montana, a reality in 1983. How exciting to hear Christian radio programs and music on the air while I was at home with small children in the house. Who could have imagined that nine years later I would be hired to replace the secretary who was moving on!
My job description has changed through the years and these days I mainly focus on bookkeeping, records management, and donor tracking. We've seen huge changes to how the message is delivered through the years but the message stays the same and people are still impacted with the message of God's love and His wonderful plan for their lives.
When the founders of this ministry chose the theme verse of Isaiah 55:11 "It is the same with My word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it", they had no idea the impact their planning and sacrifice would have for people in Montana and the surrounding states and throughout the world via internet streaming and our YNOP Missions projects. I'm thankful for the opportunity to help out as God leads!
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